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EL Coordinator: Mona Ocampo, Teacher, Jeanna Carroll, EL Instructional Assistant 

The English Learner Program provides services for students who have a language other than English in their home and are not yet fully proficient in English.  The goals of the program are to:

  • help students develop both social and academic English
  • support students as they work toward meeting the state’s grade level content area standards
  • encourage students as they develop cross-cultural proficiency
At Turtleback Elementary, all English learners typically increase one proficiency level for each year they are enrolled and are reclassified as Fluent English Proficient prior to promoting to middle school.

English Learner Program

We have a dual obligation for the education of English learners.  These responsibilities include developing students’ English proficiency and providing access to academic content instruction. Newly-enrolling students who have a primary language other than English, based on the Home Language Survey, are given the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) to determine their level of English proficiency.  The district expects reclassification to fluent English-proficient status within five years for students who enter the district at the “beginning” level.

At Turtleback Elementary, all English learners typically increase one proficiency level for each year they are enrolled and are reclassified as Fluent English Proficient prior to promoting to middle school.

English Language Development

English learners receive concentrated instruction in the use of the English language that is appropriate for their grade and English language proficiency level. Such instruction must be provided by a teacher with advanced training in special strategies to help students increase their English proficiency and learn academic subjects taught in English.

English language development (ELD) is embedded in all activities conducted in English throughout the school day, and students receive focused ELD instruction targeted to their specific proficiency level. 

Turtleback Supports
All Turtleback teachers are credentialed and have completed specific coursework and certification to support English learners within their classrooms.  English language development is an integral part of classroom instruction for English learners.

We have an English Learner Instructional Assistant that works with students and supports teachers in meeting the needs of English learners.  The Instructional Assistant usually focuses her support with students at the Beginning and Early Intermediate levels.  Support may be in small groups within the classroom or separately as a pull-out program depending on the needs of the students.

Parent meetings are held a few times a year to discuss the English learner program at Turtleback.  If parents have specific concerns about their child’s progress, they are encouraged to meet with the classroom teacher to discuss their questions.