Medication Procedures
Health Technician, (858) 673-5514 ext 4202
According to California State law, prescription and non-prescription medications are permitted to be taken at school only with a written statement from the physician AND a written statement from the parent or guardian. The Health Office has a form available titled “Authorization for Medication Administration”.
Written information that must be provided is:
· Student’s name
· The name of the medication
· Physician’s instructions detailing the date(s), method, amount and time medication is to be given
· Parent/guardian and Physician signature
This information is required for all medications including “over-the-counter” Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold/allergy medicines, etc. All medications MUST be labeled with the student’s name and above information, in the original Rx or OTC container.
Please contact the Health Technician, (858) 673-5514 ext 4202, with any questions or concerns.
According to California State law, prescription and non-prescription medications are permitted to be taken at school only with a written statement from the physician AND a written statement from the parent or guardian. The Health Office has a form available titled “Authorization for Medication Administration”.
Written information that must be provided is:
· Student’s name
· The name of the medication
· Physician’s instructions detailing the date(s), method, amount and time medication is to be given
· Parent/guardian and Physician signature
This information is required for all medications including “over-the-counter” Tylenol, ibuprofen, cold/allergy medicines, etc. All medications MUST be labeled with the student’s name and above information, in the original Rx or OTC container.
Please contact the Health Technician, (858) 673-5514 ext 4202, with any questions or concerns.