About Us
About Turtleback Elementary School
15855 Turtleback Road, San Diego, CA 92127phone: (858) 673-5514
attendance: (858) 673-3967
fax: (858) 673-8884
Principal Lisa Maguire [email protected]

“Welcome to a Caring Place” proclaim the placards posted at each entrance to Turtleback Elementary School. We pride ourselves on our reputation as a warm and inviting place where all members of the Turtleback family can imagine, explore, create, play, learn and grow together.
Turtleback proudly serves as the hub of a close-knit, predominantly middle class, suburban neighborhood. Turtleback’s enrollment hovers around 600 kindergarten through fifth grade students.
Turtleback proudly serves as the hub of a close-knit, predominantly middle class, suburban neighborhood. Turtleback’s enrollment hovers around 600 kindergarten through fifth grade students.
Our mission here at Turtleback Elementary School is to empower each other to create, communicate, collaborate, and think critically in a community where Character Counts!"

As elementary educators, we feel morally obligated to teach, coach, support, and inspire our students to reach their academic potential during their time with us. We believe that every student who achieves optimal academic progress in elementary school will travel up the educational ladder and beyond with greater ease because they are solidly equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and habits of mind to ultimately lead meaningful and productive adult lives.